What software do you have? some point cloud files benefit from some pre-processing before using them in CAD such as SU. Have you got Excel and something that both open and save/export dwg or dxf (Autocad, Bricscad etc)? Also what is the data? will it become a terrain type surface, or is it buildings or sensor data? I ask because there are several ways to take a las file to say csv or dxf for SU import, some resulting in a more useful file than others. Goto google cache of old Stackexchange page http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache;0j5MxQQhegsJ;stackoverflow.com/questions/13425551/convert-las-file-to-csv+%26amp;cd=1%26amp;hl=en%26amp;ct=clnk%26amp;gl=nz%26amp;client=firefox-a, a useful las to csv discussion there, with some solutions.