Phil> That video was what I had in mind when I made the 'Sketchup-Life' statement.
I see we have some people working on it, and some older threads about it. I like the mock-up, but I would allow each user to have their own view, and just use an arrow to approximate other views for other users, also a color-based highlight showing who has what selected....
Just from my journeys through the documentation, I believe it's well doable with sketchup as it is now, to a great extent. Even things like the texture sharing can be done with ruby and javascript. Most of it can be done with just ruby, but the webdialog would give us a nice update timer, and an easy to do chat interface.
Anyway, it's after atleast 2 other scripts I gotta write.... so I can't work on it just yet
I hope one of you other guys gets something up soon, and open source is always nice If not, I'll get to it eventually