Well, the buildings aren't square because it's based on real world geodata. If people don't build their houses perfectly rectangular, there is no way to force them . All buildings are extruded from municipality footprint and parcel data, and the whole point of building an digital urban model is to represent things as they are. if I change all buildings to rectangular, this wouldn't be the case anymore (not to speak about the amounts of unpaid work - my present project contains 890 buildings, including garages and annexes)
RE: Special roof plugin
RE: Special roof plugin
At least it's no be being too stupid to use the plugin.
Again, I completely understand that there are more important projects on your list than helping a random guy for free
. Thank you again for your response and help, I'll gladly wait in line.
RE: Special roof plugin
TIG, thank you for trying to help me with this, I really appreciate it! I tried all your fixes, but only the last one brought any results, and still at less than 10% of the buildings. I added a small excerpt of a former model as an attachment, maybe the problem is related to my current configuration or something else locally.
Could you maybe try if you get the plugin working on this data? If not, it doesn't really matter, then I'll just go back to drawing a ridge line and auto-folding the roofs, although now supported by your "get slope"-tool to quickly verify the result
. And of course wait calmly until you find the time to update roof tool
Anyways, thanks again for your help!
RE: Special roof plugin
Well, the faces are all made through the extrude process done by the ArcGIS export plugin. I just tried deleting everything besides the bottom surface, flipping and redrawing it it several times, and then pulling up a new box shape - won't change anything, I still get the error message. Funny enough, all 3-point-selection roofs work perfectly...
This is driving me crazy...
And there is no way I can edit every building until it works, every urban model contains from dozens to hundreds of buildings...
RE: Special roof plugin
Hm... it might be because the data export plugin for ArcGIs is not the newest, but I always get the "hipped roof error", even if I use it on a perfect rectangle. If I draw a completely new body manually it works (even within my exported skp-file), though. Any suggestions?
Special roof plugin
Hi folks,
I'm looking for a sketchup roof-plugin to assist me with some repeating tasks. I know there already are several roof plugins, but they all are way to detailed for my purposes. I'm running a small urban development office, and one of my services is the creation of urban models, e.g. to be used in Google Earth. Usually I already know or map the roof pitch and number of floors, so I utilize GIS to prepare a simple box model, of course still without roofs, and then I start adding details and roofs, but with a certain amount of tolerance.
So what I'm looking for would be a plugin that allows me to select a "ridge line" drawn on the top surface of my "box model", start the plugin, type in the roof slope in degrees, and hit enter to create a simple gable roof. Nothing fancy, just that. Of course it should be able to handle non-rectangular footprints (but it would be good enough if it works with quadrilateral shapes, I'm not talking about crazy things here). I'm from Germany, and many historical urban areas here feature houses in all thinkable shapes.
Is there already a plugin out there that does this? How much work would it be to create such a plugin (I would consider financial compensation)?
RE: [Plugin] Cloud (update)
Thanks for the update!
Also, this observation might help people with unexplainable "nothing happens"-errors:
RE: [Plugin] Cloud.rb for SU6
@johnpa said:
Take a look at this post and download the revised script and you should be good to go. The link to the script is in the post at the top of the thread.
Awesome, thanks!
There is one interesting thing: The plugin won't work on my PC if i copy the examples.dat on my desktop. If I copy it anywhere else, it works just fine, but locating it on the desktop just reproduces the "nothing happens" error it reported above...
EDIT: Some further testing revealed that the plugin can't handle umlauts in directory names (my user account contains a German umlaut). I created test directories with and without umlauts and this error seems quite reproducible.
RE: [Plugin] Cloud.rb for SU6
Just tried the plugin with both SU6 free and SU7 free, but after selecting a file (even example.dat provided by the author) in the "select points cloud file" dialog, nothing happens.
Are there any dependencies that I'm missing?