Hello all! I hope you are well.
I just found this video on youtube.
Does anybody knows where Can I get "redraw group" plugin?
Thank you!
Redraw group - plugin.
RE: Sketchup Cutting Report
I work with veneered sheet materials and grain direction is needed.
Some projects have 300-400 parts.
I use Cutlist Plus for my optimization.
I have this idea in my head.
If I could draw a component in specific way where comp axis are dim. (red- thick, green-width, and blue-length (or however user chooses))
And then by assigning mat- mat type, material name and grain direction would be assigned.
And it would be also visually correct.
Thanks for input! -
RE: Sketchup Cutting Report
Thanks for replay Dave!
I used it some time ago.
There is nothing that controls grain direction. Is there now?
Take a look at this. Found it yesterday. Looks very good.
Some things I don't like - The way hardware is calculated and texture quality.Anyway, i'm after very simple report.
Thanks again!
Sketchup Cutting Report
Hey all! I hope you are well.
A quick question.
I came across this video on youtube.
Does anybody knows where i can get this plugin!
Looks simple and good.
Or more info or simply how to create something like this!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbnzNVWx_mAThank you!