Esteemed Mr. Hammond,
thank you very much for the keycodes! They did the trick. I tried downloading the RubyLibraryDepot version of the script, but it was the same as the version I had, and I couldn't get it to work, even with a selection. The keycodes work like a charm however. Thank you, this is supremely useful.
I managed to deactivate the mouseover-selection and random rotate on left-click, so I can now evoke the plugin after simply selecting an object. It's safer for presentation purposes, than being afraid, I might hover over the wrong set element and have to do a million undos to rotate all my furniture back. I also set the standard rotation value to 15 degrees, and for a slow, smooth turntable-rotation i can change the manual value to 1, and this way I have a near ideal and stupefyingly simple solution for showcasing any set with a revolve.
SketchUp just got better again, and I have you guys to thank.
Guys & Dolls in NY ... yeah, I wish that were mine. Ours is in Vienna. Incidentally, they both premiered on the same day. Bway's Guys and Dolls already closed, ours is in repertory and will hopefully get revived every year until I'm old and grey. I was certainly going for a classic Broadway type set visual. But I could never do a commission there. That union is almost impossible to get into, even for Americans.
Thank you all for your generosity.
All the best,