Hello G;
regards KT, it was the actuall SU2KT converter that i had difficulty with, not KT itself.
Happily i sorted that out and posted up the Fix over on that forum. Unless you think otherwise I don't see a need to post it on this one as a future enquirer will easily zero in on it over there.
I know the scene 1 is messy with text but at my [old] age, i get rather industrial with things, there's too much to do in a day without sweating the small stuff. I'm used to CAD's that have very quick! entity and layer assignments/control. SU is a tad cumbersome there, perticularly when adding something , then going back ( yet again ! ) through all the scenes & updates to see whether it applies or not. If something takes me 20 mouse clicks to do where it could really be done in 10, then i've lost 6 month's income each year on what is my main business performer. True. Think about it. That's why its a case "Who Cares - Its got a job to do in communicating this or that and i Most people who deal with me get to know if i do something like that it flags whether there's a little or a lot to take in, so they'd better settle in to a solid read.
Anway, that aside I like being a contributor, so there's lots of little models or components I'll add along the way here that makes a presentation sparkle, particularly in landscape dressing like stone lanterns or rocks, little incidentals that take sterility away. ( yes without text )
onward ho!