Hi ishboo, the plugin is great but unfortunately "isolate selected layers", "isolate selected entities" and "freeze" and "unfreeze" does work."Hide selected layers" and "show all layers and entities" work perfectly. I formerly used the hide tool within the SCF selector toolbar but unfortunately this toolbar is not available fro SU 2014. I work with SU 2014. Can you help?
RE: [Plugin] VisTools
RE: Help with toolbars
@dan rathbun said:
Sketchup is "supposed" to remember where the user has previously moved the toolbars, and attempts to restore them to those same locations when the user displays the toolbar again. (There are still bugs in this system, but things have gotten a bit better with SU8.)
Hi Dan,
I work with SU 8 on a mac since short time and got an issue with the toolbar position. It actually does weather remember the last position of the toolbar nor which toolbars are supposed to be open. I then learned that it showed the toolbars from my last session when opening the last file I worked with. So I thought that the toolbar settings are saved in the documents which is not very useful but I could live with that. So I tried to save my toolbar positions in a template hoping that SU would then load all the toolbars I had the last time. but unfortunately this was not the case. Actually it saves or does not save toolbar positions radomly. Some stay and others do not. Unfortunately the one I need do not stay. Is there any way to save the toolbar position and the setting of which toolbars and windows are open so that I do not have to redo this everytime I open SU?
RE: [Plugin] CleanUp
Thanks for the hint. Reading makes things easier. Now it works.
risoto -
RE: [Plugin] CleanUp
I tried to install the cleanup ruby file on my mac. But then starting sketchup I got this error message: "no such file to load -- TT_Lib2/core.rb" but this one was not part of the download.
somebody can help?