@tig said:
This ruby ('PipeAlongPath.rb') doesn't round corners, it makes a 'pipe' along a 'path' - although you could use it to add 'piping-trim' to shapes too... To round the corners of things use something like Fredo's 'Round Corners' script
Fredo's Rounded Corners plugin is awesome. Thanks for the lead. I'm sure I'll get lots of great use out of it.
For people looking to create pipes with rounded corners, I'll suggest this method of creating them:
Youtube Video
You will, of course, be giving up all of the additional benefits of the PipeAlongPath.rb plugin if you use the "Follow Me" tool method from the video. But, that's the trade off. You have lots of options to choose from. You use what works best for your situation.
I mean no disrespect to TIG by offering an alternative.