@ghalko said:
So before reading Chris's post where he said he was doing building B I was already modifying it and so forth, but fortunately the most work I have done is one component with many sub components that can be moved to just about any building foundation. I might move it to that water one.
Also I was thinking about the story. Just my thoughts no need to adopt them.
Originally it was a well guarded retreat for several of the world's top scientists. A scientist that was never allowed to go there, manipulated his country defeat the defenses around the island and then capture it. Not much damage was done to the island, and the 'evil' scientist was finally in control. Soon after the hostile-takeover all of the scientists disappeared including the 'evil' one. Since all of their transportation had been taken away, no one knows how they disappeared. The country that had captured the island opened it up to International Investigation and the player is one of, or the, investigator.
Just an idea, it also sort of pushes away from the over-used exile theme, more like the scientists had plenty of time and materials to build to their fancy, including puzzles and other interesting things that delight the mind. However with the disappearance there is a definite possibility for a bit of darkness.
I love it, and you're right about overused exile theme. Maybe one of the buildings could be a ruin of an invasion tank or robot. Also we could include defensive perimeters, unsprung traps, and access puzzles.