I'm stumped. I am trying to create a pot, but I'm apparently doing something wrong. I have assembled the outside of the pot, in order to use "follow me", but it will not create a surface. Can someone help me understand why it will not create a surface, and how I can find and fix such errors for myself in the future?
Not sure why I cannot create surface...
Estimating Sunlight?
I've been playing around with Sketchup, and one thing I think should be doable which I haven't been able to find is estimating the amount of sunlight a spot gets in hours/day- assuming that the sketchup model has been geo-located and all objects which would block sunlight have been modeled. What would be really neat would be to have a query-tool like ability to click on a surface and get an estimate of sunlight hours per day, for summer and winter seasons. Does anyone know if such a thing exists?
RE: What's your beginners tip?
DOH! I thought I tried that and it made every selected component individually unique. I just tested it again and it does exactly what you say, which is what I was trying in the first place. Thanks! -
RE: What's your beginners tip?
I'll add this one because it took me way too long to figure out.
If you have a component you've used throughout your model, and you realize you have several instances you need to alter in the same fashion, but you don't want that to apply to all the instances;
Select one of the instances, choose "make unique". Now, select the other components you want to alter. Go to the component browser, make sure you are viewing components "In Model". Find the new unique instance you created, right-click, and choose "replace selected". You now have a new group of components, edit one and they all get the same new treatment!
RE: Splitting objects
Jean- thank you so much for that answer!
Between that and using "intersect with selection" rather than "intersect with model", I'm now getting exactly the results I expect!
Splitting objects
Hi there- I'm new to sketchup, and I've been working my way through various tutorials and experimenting to learn how to work it. I am completely blown away how intuitive they managed to make sketchup for 3d modeling. I've run into a bit of a stumper, and I'd love some expert advice.
I'm working on my technique fundamentals, and one thing I want to be able to do is take an object, split it, and work on smaller chunks.
Currently I've been experimenting, and sometimes it works, and sometimes it does not, and I don't know what the difference is.
I create a rectangle and move it into the object (in this case a simple box, which is a group). I then go into group edit mode for the box, select all of it, and choose "Edit-> Intersect Faces with model". I then select the 4 edges of the rectangle which is passing through the box, and delete them.
Last, I do a select via drag-right to select the right half of the cube I just chopped, and cut the selection so I can paste it back in as a separate object.
What is happening is that sometimes (I've had the process work, and I've had the process not work), some of the lines which should have been cut into two remain at full length on the portion of the cube which was not cut and pasted elsewhere. The cut and pasted portion is correct, but of 4 lines which should have been chopped, 2 are cut, and two are left full length.
In this simple example, it wouldn't be hard to delete and re-draw two lines and "clean up" the results, but if I were doing this on something more complex, it could be a real pain in the butt, and I am certain I've got to be doing something incorrectly.
Could someone please educate me? Before and after of my test case showing broken behavior are attached below.