excellent work jack,maybe you should repost your killing machine for fly's
RE: The queen is hot, so get it on...
RE: Public Humilation
offcourse she said no.why people think that doing this at basketball game is romantic.for him maybe it is but you know what girls think about sport and love.
RE: The queen is hot, so get it on...
Ha ha.lt is hard to recognize what this,because his machines are always extraordinary.lf you know durant for longer you would not be suprised with his modeling and storys.glad to see you here again durant
RE: Caffe bar finished (maybe) :)
well maybe I would put them if client payed me,but again as usual I (censored) in this job
RE: Your first time?
think it would not be nice to post link of my first site but ti was preety ''dirty''
RE: I hope it does not land on my house!
Dont worrie boys I am sure where it is goin.Why do I say this?because before 7 or 8 years not sure,while I was playing Soccer my leg started to bleed whitout touching anything and I got wound about 30 cm's long.And it started to be very painfull and very hot,I fall of to ground and could not move how painfull it was.While I was on the ground I saw little very dark black unknown piece of some kind of a rock (size about half finger).So If we will judge by that where it will hit you can relax,It is comeing on me
edit-I am sure it come form space because we was on playground far away form any kind of building or road or any tree,and no planes passed by
RE: Cubicle Renders
Well I would not say that I have skils for modelling and for rendring also but thanks anyway for your quick tutorial
Btw I really like your images
RE: Cubicle Renders
Maybe I am not right person to comment since I don't have so much experience but I love this renderings with little touch of diffuse glow.Everything fits in this rendering ,design,colors and I especially like panels and design of tables.
Maybe you could teach me some secrets >Scott because I love your rendering shots -
RE: What would you do...
come on man,more details,what model,did you tell them about it?
RE: What would you do...
I would kick his ass.Someone take your model and put it on Formfonts?
Caffe bar finished (maybe) :)
Here is (maybe) final version of caffe bar interior
Mateo thanks for help
RE: Caffe bar help
Mateo you help allot,this will help me
Juju-I work in arhitectural company,but I have been contacted by other arh company to do idea and 3d and chance to earn some extra money.Money I desperately need
Caffe bar help
Ok people,I need help or suggestion.I have to make idea for one caffe bar.Problem is that it is placed in the village and it is old like 40 years.So it is kind of a center building of village and inside it is caffe bar wich looks dissasterous.Caffe bar has square shape and now one guy want to invest in that caffe bar and make modern caffe bar.I need only suggestion how to make it.Did anyone made some modern caffe bar and I would be gratefull if someone can show me images of how it is done
RE: Pinball
Remus-yes i admit it is quick render and I am still learning vray so any advice would be greatfull
Scott-I wish I am guru but I am far away from it and I saw your blog with your renders-excellent man
Solo-yes I made this models and render them.This is best models I ever made and I did spend more time on them.And your page with renders are awesome also.I like the way you make models-non arhitectural
RE: Pinball
No hard feelings,but when in most cases moderators are in someway masters of what they present.
Ah Solo,I know his work,seen it already. -
RE: Pinball
OK,that is impresive,but what about moderators of this forum.I bet they make best renders.Can someone point me to their work
RE: Pinball
What guru's.Can you name few guru's from this site.I would love to see their work.
RE: Pinball
Thanks Gaieus.Well it is made in sketchup and after that in v-ray.settings in vray are default.I just added some lights and that is it.Nothing special about it.
RE: Pinball
Thank you.One question,where can >I add my profile picture and that stuff?