Interesting.. I forked your repository for tested with my exporter.
My level of Ruby / javascript is very limited.. atm
β οΈ Important | Please update Libfredo to v15.1a for bugfixes associated to SketchUp 2025 and below
RE: SKUI β A GUI Framework for SketchUp
RE: [Plugin] UVTools 0.2 Pro (Beta) (Updated for SU6)
Hi guys..
I add specific code for launch RoadKill from menu option.For option dialog..
if( not file_loaded?("UVtools.rb") ) menu ="Plugins").add_submenu("UV Tools") menu.add_item("Export UVs to OBJ") { UVtools.start_bridge()} menu.add_item("Launch RoadKill") { UVtools.runroad()} # add RoadKill option menu.add_item("Import UVs from OBJ ") { UVtools.return_bridge() } UI.add_context_menu_handler {|menu| ents=Sketchup.active_model.selection sel=Sketchup.active_model.selection.first sub=menu.add_submenu("UV Tools") sub.add_item("Spherical Map") {(} sub.add_item("Cylindrical Map") {(} } end
..for launch Roadkill.
## povman; add code for launch RoadKill from the 'menu' option def self.runroad() # Roadkill arguments ( from RoadKill for Softimage); # -lscm or -abf # -fillholes or -notfillholes # -live or -notlive # a tipically command line; # "C;\RoadKill\RoadKill.exe" "obj_path,edge_path,-abf,-nofillholes,-live" obj_path=self.get_obj_path #TODO; create option dialog for arguments.. roadpath=UI.openpanel("Path to RoadKill", "c;\\", ".exe") # command_line = "\"#{roadpath}\" \"#{obj_path},,-lscm,-nofillholes,-live\"" # for debug.. puts command_line # run RoadKill.. system(command_line) end