I am so stupid ... you are right TIG, it was because of the units, obviously! The blade weights 42 grams, so (0.0)42 Kg .
Thank you for all.
I am so stupid ... you are right TIG, it was because of the units, obviously! The blade weights 42 grams, so (0.0)42 Kg .
Thank you for all.
Oh, and even with a simple cube, (wich is solid) it does the same : no weight...
Hi !
Well, it seems it is not recognized as a solid, because there is no "volume" entry in the Entity Info box.
Here is a picture :
Thank you.
Hi all, I am doing a 3D model in Sketchup 2016 and when trying to use CoG, it gives to me "weight=0.0"... How is it possible?
Here is how I do :
I create my 3D object, I select it and press "G" to save it as a single component. Then I select it, and I run CoG, applying a density of 7850 Kg/m3 (c40 steel density). It calculates during 5-6 minutes and finally shows 0.0 ...
Any idea?