@ N Lindenthal so maybe your plug is not installed?
That you must see on the Right Click (on Transformations)

RE: Proper_animation.rb ,some questions
RE: LightUp v1.2 is finally out
before the bug reparation -
RE: Proper_animation.rb ,some questions
an another funny thing is that the shadows arrive after the movement
RE: [Plugin][$] Tools On Surface - v2.6a - 01 Apr 24
Yes it's not automatic, but it's not a big deal after the Offset of contour!
Explode curve and you have all offset you want
And after free to you to weld any part of curves you want
RE: [Plugin][$] Tools On Surface - v2.6a - 01 Apr 24
@unknownuser said:
the ability to offset lines once they are drawn
This tool can't make the trick?
Just close your lines, make the offset, erase lines that you don't want
RE: Animated growing cylinders :How to do ?
You have a cool video about that here
RE: [Plugin] Terrain Reshaper
And if Ruby was my cup of tea, that will the The Four Musketeers!
Frenchy Pilou -
RE: Masquer composant
@unknownuser said:
(heu là le prb c'est que je ne sais pas comment les faire réapparaitre...)
Menu Edit / Unhide ou Unhide Last (en français je ne sais: Démasquer, Revoir, voir ...)
RE: Lissage d'un modèle de terrain
C'est à dire que chez moi la mise en page du texte de la scene 2 et six disparait!
Il faut aller rechercher le texte à la main sur le côté gauche -
RE: Question aux utilisateurs de SU sur mac
j'y connais rien en MAc mais le fait de Sauvegarder directement dans SU un fichier "template" devrait permettre de palier ce petit inconvénient?
(menu Preference) -
RE: Lissage d'un modèle de terrain
Tout terrain!
Scene 2 et 6 à revoir!
Le texte a pris la poudre d'escampette -
RE: Tools on Surface - nouvelle version 1.3
J'ai un trou, là
"Simulation d'inférence" Qu'est-ce?
Se "bloquer" sur des des "lignes ou des points chauds"? -
RE: Some of my works
Animation in Sketchup can be made also with many plugs
Transformer by D Bur
and the last more exiting 'in french link)Proper animation by Morisdov who mix animation of objects and animation scene -
RE: @MALAISE au sujet du "Passeur"
Avec la dernière version; il semble que l'on puisse en mettre autant que l'on veut
RE: [Plugin] Proper Animation V1.08 Beta(Updated 14/11/10)
@unknownuser said:you may use few scenes as part of a single long leg of a animation part
Seems the cool trick!
RE: SketchUpBBS-Kung Fu Panda
@unknownuser said:
I'm pretty sure these are all imports from other apps.
Why not, there is no such many difference than the Solo's Mickey
RE: [Plugin] Proper Animation V1.08 Beta(Updated 14/11/10)
@unknownuser said:
If I understand your question correctly
I am not sure
From my example exo2 upper
I wish of course the Move rotating Scaling of the big cube to the "little" also in 3 seconds between the 2 Scenes
RE: [Plugin] Proper Animation V1.08 Beta(Updated 14/11/10)
Does it possible to synchronize the Movement of the "proper animation" with the movement of the scenes?
Sart --> end of Scene
Start --> end of "Proper Animation"
Of course I can reduce the speedy of the "Scene" by Animation / Settinds but that will be too speedyIn another word does it possible to setting "Proper Animation" speed?
In any case your plug is crazy fun !
(load the Files then Plugins/ "Start animation observer" and run animation)
(plugin proper_animation of course installed)