Exactly. You pegged it.
Dave R.,
Yep. I’m not surprised that the answer is something obvious. This worked great. Thank you. The Follow Me tool never ceases to confuse me. If I use this 4 times in a row to perform exactly the same operation, I’ll get 4 different results. Occasionally, one of these results is intended, more often, none are. I’ve tried video tutorials, the Help Center, magic incantations, and even reading directions. I’ll keep plugging away.
Thanks again,
Thank you.
I don’t know what the policy is regarding matters unrelated to the topic, but I’ve got another question and I’m not sure what I’d name it. I’m currently working on a table with legs that are tapered on the inside, but run at right angles on the outside. Usually in a situation like this, I’ll work on something else and return later, only to find the answer was something obvious. That hasn’t happened, although I won’t be surprised to learn that the answer was something obvious. If the tapers were straight, I wouldn’t have a problem. However, the piece requires a graceful curve along the taper. I’m going to attempt to attach a model of the leg to this message. I haven’t tried this before. We’ll see…
Thanks for your input. I’ve since done quite a few mortises and tenons and have found Dave R.’s method the easiest and most effective. However, there have been occasions where Intersect seemed to work better. My earlier confusion with X-Ray has diminished somewhat, but I still sometimes find it disconcerting, viewing everything at once. In spite of that, I set up a shortcut to X-Ray. It’s surprising how often I use it. For instance, selecting a component to edit is easier with X-Ray turned off, then doing the editing with it turned on. As you suggested, I do Copy each one, then Flip Along whichever axis will mirror the original, although this only seems necessary if the mortise or tenon is offset.
Thank you. I did take a look at the Fine Woodworking site.
I agree, Dave has been a big help. I've taken a look at some of his other posts and found help there also.
I getting free advice from some prestigious people here. So far, my first association with a forum has been positive.
I think I understand what you're saying now. If so, what I did in that case was to pull the tenons out slightly, so the shoulder wouldn't be touching. However, one problem I have with that is that I can't work with tenons intersecting from multiple angles at once. Your method does address that problem. I'll probably try again.
I was in a coffee shop a couple years ago, and someone handed me this caricature he'd done of me while I was sitting there. I'd never seen him before and haven't seen him since.
If you knew me, you'd think it was a photo.
To all,
Thank you for the input.
I may not understand your comment but I didn't have any problems with scene changes, and just manually moved between scenes (Enable Scene Transitions is checked at 2 seconds).
Dave R,
I don't think I've had the issues with the shoulders and cheeks you described but I tried the X-Ray mode. My inexperience is probably a factor, but I found it confusing.
I was unable to find the scripts you described, and it's likely I wouldn't know what to do with them if I did.
So far, Intersect With Model has provided the results I needed (with the easiest learning curve). I hope to make use of the other suggestions in the future, when I have a little more time.
Once again, I thank you all for your suggestions.
Thanks yet again. This solved my problem. Intersect With Model is going to be a handy tool.
I'm relatively new to Sketchup and very new to forums. I have a question about how to match up mortises and tenons in Sketchup. I'm able to create tenons, but lining up the mortises exactly is difficult. What I've been doing is to insert the tenon part way and trace around the edge with the line tool, then pull back the tenon and use Push/Pull to finish the mortise. Right now, I'm working on a piece with multiple tenons of different sizes inserted into a post from 2 different angles and I'd like to find a easier and more accurate way to create the mortises.