This link that you posted in one of the messages above leads us a post there are the following links:
I use the metric system ... Clicking on the metric system link, we go to a third post that shows two files:
HouseBuilder_metric_12 [TIG] .zip
HouseBuilder_metric_12 [TIG] .rbz
As I said earlier, I have already tested these two files and both files are beeping. The RBZ file, I install by opening SketchUp 2019> Windows> Extension Manager.
Already the ZIP file, I always unzipped and installed manually, copying and pasting in the plugin folder:
\ Users \ ... \ AppData \ Roaming \ SketchUp \ SketchUp 2019 \ SketchUp \ Plugins
The beep happens every time I right click on any object. So, for example, if I want to right-click to create a group / component or work with dynamic components, the beep will sound. Something that does not happen when the plugin is not installed. The beep also happened when I moved the mouse arrow over the Edit button. But it seems that it is no longer happening now. I do not know is because of the installation of another version of the plugin. When I right-click on any name inside the Outliner window the beep sounds too. So, I believe that for everything that the right button has a function, there will be the beep sound.
I use SketchUp 2019 in Portuguese, I don't know if this can interfere with the plugin's operation. And also tested in Portuguese version 2016, but the same thing happens.
Maybe this beep is like that, as you said, "when you make an incorrect choice". And I'm interpreting it as something nonstandard.
Thank you for your help!