Circle / radius problem solution? Faceted circles / Radi - When exported convert all circles to a high segment polygon,via a input box Ie a circle that has 10 edges could be converted to a circle with 100 edges giving the appearance of a more precise circle depending on the tolerance of a hole. and insert a cross hair in the centre to denote the centre of the circle of a standardised size say 5x5mm or an input box could include this feature to choose. This then could have an option to convert all holes in model , voila problem sorted obviously this would only work on flattened geometry for export to 2d cad cutting , say laser cutting The segmented circles and radius could be put on a layer the Centre mark could be put on another layer Turn off the circles layer etc.. You could then use the centre mark as ref to redraw circles in autocad if required rather than use 3 point circle ( less accurate on faceted circles ) More control! What do you think? Thanks Paul