Thanks! I'll give that a try.
RE: C<axwell - Can an emitter also be an image?
RE: C<axwell - Can an emitter also be an image?
Ah ok. This might be a dumb question but how to I make a HDR/EXR image? Like if the project I am doing has custom signs that need to glow, I need to create my own in illustrator or photoshop etc...right? Or do I need the full Maxwell suite to create them?
C<axwell - Can an emitter also be an image?
I do a lot of design that requires lit signs, light boxes, and windows that would have a bright image outside. (retail design) Is there a way in Maxwell (for SketchUp) to make a sign an emitter but still read the sign? I tried it with a sky seen in the attached screen cap and it lights up as just blue but without the clouds.
RE: FREE Maxwell Render for Sketchup (free version).
I got them to work. I ended up just starting from a new, basic model to test it out and got them working there. I couldn't get them going on the larger model until I copied into a new model and saved under a different name so it seems to have been a glitch with my file. It's all working now.
Thanks guys. It's great to see such fast responses online.
RE: FREE Maxwell Render for Sketchup (free version).
I can't get the emitters for the Maxwell Render plug-in to work in SketchUp 8 Pro. I am running the licensed version (the $95 one) not the full suite. I've read through the manuals and a couple of forums and I've tried all the typical fixes such as reversing the faces etc. The scene is all black. Any ideas?
I'm running an Mac G5 Pro, with dual quad core Xeon processors, 8gig RAM and OSX 10.6.8 if that makes any difference but I don't think it's a hardware issue, more likely a software thing. Could it be a Silverlight issue? I can't seem to find what version of silverlight Maxwell installed.