I experience a problem on one of my models tha's not correctly placed in google earth.
However, It looks well positionned in SU and whan using SU Google Earth preview.
You can have a look at the model here : http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=f3865492a6ed52d5cbf2ee6d9716b22a
I also attach to this post a picture of what I see in google earth when I load both the model from the sketchup preview (forground, well placed building) and from the 3D wharehouse (in backround, only the top of the roof is over the ground and horizontal position is wrong too)
If any one have clues to fix this (without having to create a new submition to the warehouse because I have very nice comments I'd like too keep...)

batiment toilettes bubliques avec terrain2.skp