Thanks so much to Free Agent and to Thomthom,
i'll give it a try at the ASGvis's forums.
RE: [Plugin] V-Ray Tools
RE: [Plugin] Blackout
can you please show some pics on how to use, and what for ?
that would be great
thanks in advance -
RE: [Plugin] V-Ray Tools
hallo everyone,
i am having a problem with vray rendering a part of the view only(in two point perspective ) , while getting the right sketchup view by exporting 2d jpeg.
the vray keeps rendering another view nomatter what i do, it renders somtimes above, and sometimes beneath the sketchup view.
the output pic in vray is my monitor = sketchup viewdo these tools help with my problem ?
thanks in advance -
RE: RpTreeMaker - new version Dec 12, 2008
LOOOOOOOL that was pretty funny, thanks AL for the great plugin and the great " Virgin" Imagination
me3mar -
RE: Manhattan sketchup model
i'm downloading it right now, thank you sooooooooooooo much
looks great. -
RE: RpTreeMaker - new version Dec 12, 2008
it works perfectly
thank you ao much...
is this a free plugin ? or is it yet just a beta vergin?
thanks in advance -
RE: RpTreeMaker - new version Dec 12, 2008
i just found it out , sorry
RE: RpTreeMaker - new version Dec 12, 2008
i would like to ask about rendering with vray, is there a specific way to do it ? i just tried and got a black shadow surrounding the whole tree, is there any trick to do ?
thanks in advance -
RE: [Plugin] SCF PowerToolbar (09.Sep.2010)
i had to move all the rubys manualy and cleanup a little, and it works fantastic!!
thanks CadFather for your help
me3mar -
RE: [Plugin] SCF PowerToolbar (09.Sep.2010)
i am using pc windows xp pro - Sp 3 -
ram 4 g.
quad core 2,4 GH.sketchup 7
thank you again
me3mar -
RE: [Plugin] SCF PowerToolbar (09.Sep.2010)
First of all many thanks for the power toolbar.
i'm having some troubles with half of the funktions of the toolbar, eventhoght there's no problem reports or warnings,
i just klick the button, nothing happens! by (devide and portrude) i fill the options, then klick devide, or portrude... nothing happens.
the same is happening by the following comands : Portrude, FFD (all 4), and Bevel.
any suggestions?
thanks again in advance
me3mar -
RE: Proper_animation.rb ,some questions
is it possible to render such an animation using proper_animation.rb and vray ?
RE: Soap Skin & Bubble expires
Available 25. April 2008
hope it's true!
RE: Lighting Plugin for Sketchup
any idea where to get that plugin ? anything could help , website , plugin name ...and so
thanks in advance