How does one report errors like these? Or, if you don't mind, can you reprt it on my behalf?Also, is there anything I can do on to fix it?
RE: [Plugin] Boolean--OSCoolean (Dec 2013) for SU 8 up free ver
RE: [Plugin] Boolean--OSCoolean (Dec 2013) for SU 8 up free ver
Hello to everyone, this is my very first post so please mind any errors or mistakes. My OSCoolean does not seem to work. When I select the objects nothing happens. I have tried this with two simple boxes(that ar both groups) and it still doesn't work. I have removed OSCoolean and saved it again but still nothing happens.
On the Ruby console the errors are :
Error: #<NameError: uninitialized class variable @@select in AdditionalPluginFolder6::OSCoolean>
(eval):330:in `onMouseMove'Error: #<NameError: uninitialized class variable @@select in AdditionalPluginFolder6::OSCoolean>
(eval):356:inset_current_point' (eval):321:in
(eval):330The first appears when I move the mouse over any object and the second appers when I click the 2nd object.
Could someone please tell me what I have done wrong or how I can fix this. Any help will be appreciated. I have SketchUp version 8.0.15158