Hi All,
Sorry, I completely forgot to post how it all worked.
Driven helped me out by supplying the Terminal code to make the HD appear while running Lion.
@unknownuser said:
Terminal.app [found in the Utilities folder]
> open /Library/Application\ Support/Google\ SketchUp\ 8/SketchUp/
you may have to hit return after pasting, and the folder should open.
you may have to give an admin password, but if you installed SU than you are an administrator.
After that showed me the HD location. I used Dave R's image to help me find the full path:
[image: file.php?id=75080&t=1]
From there I made an alias of the Plugins folder (right-click, make alias) and moved it to My Documents, so I could access it easily.
Hope this helps future users, and thanks again for helping me figure this out!