Beautiful thread!
The simplest pleasure for me is to smile at the sun and imagine that everyone in this world could see the same sun, maybe some of them look and think the same right now too...
Beautiful thread!
The simplest pleasure for me is to smile at the sun and imagine that everyone in this world could see the same sun, maybe some of them look and think the same right now too...
Yeah, the design looks great. How about a general plan? And I wonder how large the file was itself? maybe you could change the axes of the palm trees next time, but I'm sure nobody noticed .
Greetings Marne
Fantastic photo , thanks for sharing!
Hallo Hubert,
wie schon erwähnt, ist Podium eine günstige und wirklich einfach zu bedienende Renderlösung.
Wenn du noch Student bist, bekommst du Podium nach Vorlage deines Studentenausweises für nur ca.
50 Euro!
bessere Ergebnisse erzielst du allerdings meiner Meinung nach mit vRay, das kostet dann aber richtig viel und ist wie Kerkythea nicht unbedingt einfach zu beherrschen. Nimm die Studentenversion von Podium, da machst du nix verkehrt und du hast wenigstens mal was von deinen 500 Euro Studiengebühr .
I can't believe that this for free, you know that you gave away a "super-randor.rb" to us?
Thank you very much for the hours(?) you were spending for the devolpment. I agree with CadFather: A must have.
Thank you.
Fantastic plants, so beautiful, so atmospheric.
Thank you for this one!
Hmm gute Frage...
Afaik würde ich sagen, dass es egal ist. Sketchup begreift dies, es sei denn zwei Flächen überschneiden sich in einem sehr spitzen bzw. stumpfen Winkel. Probleme gibt es natürlich, wenn Du irgendwann mal vor hast, etwas im X-Ray-Modus auszugeben.
Wahrscheinlich gewinnst Du auch tatsächlich wegen der geringeren Polygonanzahl ein µ Performance.
Also, bis auf die Winkel: Lass drinne
Beeing LA too, every new tree is more than welcome . Especially such nice ones.
Thank you Tom!
these tricky samsung engineers...
so we'll never know .
But so far I'm satisfied with my Display, maybe I could find someone who's got an eye-one for display calibratings...
Vielen Dank Eeva!!!
Das war wirklich toll und eine Woche musste ich mit allen durchfeiern, das war vielleicht anstrengend .
Aber nu is rum und die geplagte (ehemalige ( <- yippiiieeeee) Studenten-)Leber erholt sich.
Weihnachten ist ja nun auch endlich vorbei und ab Januar freue ich mich schonmal auf meinen kleinen Lehrauftrag an der Hochschule.
So soll ein neues Jahr beginnen!!!
Also Ihr lieben deutschsprachigen User ,
Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gruß, der Marne
Thank you guys!
I'm still happy and off the table now, getting normal liver-count values again
In boring lessons, you were never dreaming of rocking after your graduation over all these tables in the auditorium to one of your favourite songs ?
Having my 4th external drive know, i noticed two things to be important for me:
my vented hd only reaches 38°C max., while the others reach 53°C and above when doin hard work...
if the chipset of your external case provides it, you may read out the smart info with this (free) tool and compare yourself:
greetings marne
Nice to hear that the 226BW is great, Juju. I bought it myself today, but it is still in it's package. Very exciting, but great to know it satisfies an other SU-User.
I don't want to concern you Juju but maybe you could have a look at this site :
In the store i bought it, we opened up two packages but samsung already replaced the stickers and the hidden menues, so i will never know what type i own...
how about yours?
I love my Logitech VX-Revolution as a nb mouse.
OK, it has no bluetooth but the one AA Ni-Mh lasts for over 4 weeks and if replaced with a stronger one, it may work longer.
It's fine, that u could put the dongle inside the mouse.
Great are the 5 extra buttons on which u could put special commands, especially for SU (like strg+z, redo, previous view, move and so on).
The best in my opinion is the free spin-mode of the wheel. It spins without any snap-in for few seconds and seems to be very solid, great touch too, cause it's about 5mm wide. This makes zooming around in your model very smooth and fast like hell . I love this.
If u don't mind a super bad battery performance (4 days) but more buttons, better ergonomic and automatic spin-mode, I would go with the MX-Revolution.
I got both and they're really fine, and make the usage of SU and other apps very comfortable, especially the many buttons and the free spin-mode.
the VX-R,en
the MX-R,en
But none of both has bluetooth...
Just my crank and experience to a useful mouse
So far... one week with my new 2GB Ram and my much too huge model is over.
and for those who are still doubting to upgrade: the upgrade (in view of sketchup) imho only makes sense if you really have huge file sizes.
when i have a look at the ram-monitor my system still doesn't use more than 700-900MB
of physical ram and it still doesn't write anything in the swap file.
But my subjective feeling is that especially this huge model, which now has 105MB ,
runs much smoother and the commands are responded faster ->
for my issue the upgrade helped a lot!
now a bit fun came back while modelling.
beside i must say, that i have the feeling that the overall performance of my system is increased a bit it boots a few seconds faster and software starts up quicker.
but this is my personal "feel" of it (except of the booting, this is faster 2-5sec, i timed it). of course if u use photoshop and others like it, u will have a big improvement too. beside, the new ram has the same timing like the old one CL2.5.
so if u don't have a huge model and are not sure to upgrade, i would not do it, if u already have a gig installed, the performance benefit for the rest of your system isn't worth the money imho. but i have to say again that for me it was the right decision, thanks Krisidious!!!!
@Masta Squidge,
I'm sorry if i said something which was misleading. please have a closer look at my 1st post:
"...For a student ram for a notebook is expensive: the cheapest 2GB DDR1 will cost 140 Euro (about 190USD)..."
i meant that the price is for 2GB. I already had 1GB (2x512MB) installed, and my / a notebook usually has only 2 slots, so i had to buy 2x1024MB and this is expensive for a student which normally doesn't have a rich filled account. especially if u need DDR1, which is more expansive than DDR2 modules. a ram discount for students would have been great Squidge, but the only student discount i know in germany is for pc-systems and whole notebooks, not for components . i found a hardware dealer around, he sold me the ram for 118 Euro, so he saved the eBay charge, and i saved 8 Euro for the shipping
, so it was alright i think.
many thanks for your replies and maybe this post helps others a bit to decide.
damn you are so fast!
thank you very much, i will try this afternoon and i will report the "feel" of more ram next week.
thanks for your reply Krisidious,
the hd is the fastest non 7200rpm for notebooks you can get, yes and the videocard may be one of the slowest and is not replaceable
splitting my model in separate sections is a good idea, but the problem is that the terrain is extreme hilly and large, with many buildings, roads, sidewalks on it. thats why i decided to give su a try, because of its great ability to form contours/drape/stamp right in terrain and of course the best of all the soap skin plugin .
before su, i tried land desktop 2006 and it was really pain. because every corner there looks like this:
and this is hard to make "virtual" in my opinion.
i must confess i never used 3dmax, maybe it would have been the better idea?!... now its too late.
so i think i wont buy the ram, except anyone is dissenting or made other experiences by upgrading to more ram?!
thx alot!
Hi everyone this is my first topic in this great Forum,
and I know the RAM thing is really extensively discussed but I'm still wondering...
My Question is: Do you really need your 2GB Ram when working with sketchup?
I was reading so many hours in so many forums how important 2GB of Ram are...
The intention of my post is the following:
Currently i'm working daily on my diploma in sketchup and my Laptop is getting slower and slower, while the model is getting larger and larger. Currently it has a size of 95MB(!) and will end up in 150MB or so. And yes I'm working with many components and groups and hidden layers, of course this helped but still SU gets slower. So i thought as everyone advices, more ram would be a solution, because the installed 1GB may not be enough.
For a student ram for a notebook is expensive: the cheapest 2GB DDR1 will cost 140 Euro (about 190USD).
So i startet monitoring the usage of my ram and my pagefile. And now to the point:
like everone knows in the taskmanager u don't see the "real" pagefile its ram+pagefile!
so i took a tool which differentiates the memory usage. what did i see?
nothing! when i load my big model, listen to winamp and browse this forum windows doesn't put anything in the pf. and i'm still left with 180MB of free ram. Ok, if i additional open photoshop windows starts using the pf, but when working as usual on my model in the swapfile is nothing.
Are 2GB a waste of money or will there be an improvement because of other factors i don't see?
I know a new notebook would be a solution but as long as i'm a student i have to keep this one.
3,06GhZ P4 (HT switched off), 1GB Ram (maybe soon 2?), faster samsung HD and yes i know... an soft overclocked GeForce5350go 64MB - the only thing i'm not able to change
for every one who likes to check his/her "real pagefile"
here is a link to a standalone tool (its only in german but u know the middle bar shows ur real pf usage, the lowest the "taskmanager pf" and the upper one the physical ram.
u may need 7zip to extract the file.
so many thanks guys, maybe u will see that u don't need 2GB?!
and please excuse my english:oops: