"mini gun"? False advertising!
Excellent renders.
"mini gun"? False advertising!
Excellent renders.
Why (when you're clearly very proficient with blender) would you bother rendering with podium? Podium is pretty crappy.
@cucsat2003 said:
wow,these exterior pictures are rendered-pics???poss-prosessing in photoshop?if they are rendered-pics...,so greatttt!
Yeah the exterior pics are a photomatch, then rendered and photoshopped together. The post processing on the internals was indeed done on photoshop, just added some vignetting and chromatic abberation.
Just a project I started quite a while back, it's currently on site and I've had to provide interior renders so that the client & contractor can agree on colours & materials etc. Will hopefully upload some "cafeteria" shots later, once they're rendered.
C&C welcome (though I realise the stair model is missing some details, but that was due to time constraints)
You definately need some kind of anti-aliasing filter on that.
Camera's don't have the ability to capture the dynamic range that the human eye does, so in reality to correctly expose an interior shot (unless it's extremely brightly lit) you'd have to overexpose the exterior - thus resulting in the view outside the window being a burnt-out white, unlike yours.
I'm in awe.
I'm gonna get in there with a few questions before everyone else does!..
How do you model things such as fabrics, escpecially ropes & cables?
Just me buggering around... Absolutely no relevance to the project at all, just thought it'd look cool!
This is going to sound so bitchy... Why did that take you 7 hours?
@solo said:
It's free:
I use that ivy generator, it's absolutely superb. Currently rendering a scene with ivy, will post it when I go into work on monday.
@unknownuser said:
I will be watching this.
Nice so far.
+1 Looking superb so far. I think there's a lot to be said for good quality clay renders, they look so simple and focus the viewers attention on the modelling details, rather than textural details.
Yeah, that's down to laziness on my part - I do have a method that I usually use when it comes to that, but didn't this time round.
I could use clipmaps and textures, certainly; and I have done many times in the past...
But to give a more convincing effect? Definately not.
As for modelling all the grass, I modelled 3 blades, and scattered them over a 250mm plane in sketchup using the "component spray" ruby, creating a circular pattern of a hundred or so blades of grass. I then instanced this a few thousand times in Kerkythea - a very simple process really.
Slight update (mostly landscaping - decided to re-model the grass & add some daisies!)...
Re-modelling the grass has bumped up the poly count a little though!
@unknownuser said:
Octree Analysis (194184480 triangles, 4154128 nodes, 2781412 leaves, 0 unmeshed objects, 25585 instances, 593Mb memory)
As for other renderings, I've not done any yet (seems pointless as the design isn't finished), and the 2D plans are currently only sketches.
@Daniel - I'd love to add some human life to the image, but I don't have any high resolution people that would work in the scene, and find that people that are photoshopped in after tend to look out of place.
Just thought i'd add a closeup of the grass:
Absolutely superb model, but seriously... get rid of those people in the foreground!
Just the first render of a proposed childrens centre/nursery - the design isn't finished yet, so it's subject to change.
Modelled in Sketchup, rendered in Kerkythea. Just an interesting note, every blade of grass is physical (no textures mapped onto planes), resulting in a 47 million polygon render!
Constructive criticism welcome!
Just modelled the "front" of our offices (it actually isn't the main entrance, though it faces the street), as we're going to be re-designing it soon. Modelled in SU, rendered in Kerkythea, post pro in photoshop.
I'll upload the new design as and when it's done.
Excellent, I'm just using kerkythea now and it's giving me the kind of results that i've been looking for. Thanks guys, really appreaciate the help.
And do these work within sketchup?