Thanks for the reply fbartels.
I am on a 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 3G of RAM running OSX.5.2.
I hadn't noticed this problem until today, but now it is consistent over a couple reboots and permission repairs.
Thanks for the reply fbartels.
I am on a 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 3G of RAM running OSX.5.2.
I hadn't noticed this problem until today, but now it is consistent over a couple reboots and permission repairs.
I am also experiencing this bug. Anybody else?
I am wondering if the re-installation addressed the unexpected quitting? I have had this problem now across 2 OS' and several re-installs of SU Pro 6... I am now on Leopard, and it continues, but I had it in Tiger as well. Furthermore when I installed Leopard I completely wiped clean my disk.
Has anybody else been experiencing this?
You're telling me that even those elevations are straight out of SU?! That's very impressive work.
What about the detail in the bottom left corner? That's not from SU is it? If so how did you manage to do that hatch pattern?
Do tell us more...
Hi Tegman,
Your modeling is fantastic. However, I like the first elevation better because this house just doesn't look right with that stone facade... The garage works, but not the rest. Are you designing and making the material choices or are you doing this for someone else's design and/or specifications?
Anyways like I said, great modeling.