Thanks again, so much.
Oli i'll try what u suggest. it seems to be what i need.
RE: Camera wide angle
RE: Camera wide angle
Thanks to all of you for responding.
its my first post in this wonderfull site.
i'm not a photographer although i'm familiar with general issues. i use sketchup for 5 yrs
and most of all i'm a student of Architecture from israel.
I use Sketchup + Photoshop only. i'm aware i might miss something
in my question and that sketchup mimic a real camera.
However, after all its not a real camera. to oli : "precise" - i ment that by taking photos panoramically in "2 point perspective" mode it will be acurate to "glue" them together in photoshop (photos from 1/3 , 2/3 , 3/3 height of the building). it will not be accurate in "perspective" mode. by tilt+Shift of course.I know in Vray there is option to configure the rendered photo to be wider then it apears on the screen.
bless you
RE: Camera wide angle
Thanks Oli.
This is what i tried but its precise only in "2 point perspective" which is a big compromise. i wonder why the perspectiv outline should be limited to the area of the monitor.
Thanks a lot to all of you
RE: Camera wide angle
Hello Dave and Cotty.
Thanks so much for your response. however, the issue is that i dont want to raise the value
of "field of view" because of the distortion of the perspective. i use around 50 as close
to human eye. it feels like the top of my screen cuts the perspective. it's like : i want
to look at the building from very close but still to be able to see the entire.
Thanks again
Camera wide angle
I have a high building project as an architecture student of 8 stores.
In perspective mode - i located the camera close to the entrance to catch important details
but unable to see the entire building - to the top. i dont want to place the camera backward in order not to loose the details. is there a solution to it? a wide angle camera plugin? i dont use other apps like v ray to use the "TT VRAY TOOLS" PLUGIN.Thanks a lot