I can't locate that window, and it 10.7 isn't supported yet...
RE: Line quality when exporting
RE: Line quality when exporting
Dave, I don't see any value options for profiles... just checked or unchecked...thx
RE: Line quality when exporting
Thanks for the excellent help... I had overlooked the Styles options as well. There I found the default line setting which eliminates those sketchy corner accents... I also unchecked profiles. If I can import line to Illustator to eliminate the jaggies I will be in happy to pay for the full version.. I didn't see the trial option at the website, I'll look again.. In any case, huge breakthrough for my workflow, thanks again.. nice forum
Line quality when exporting
I am working on a rather large file an entire data center cutaway, aerial view, with several rooms full of furniture. When I export the entire file to jpeg (limit 300dpi) the line (stokes) are is quite heavy, but if I zoom in on a room, and export to jpeg the line is quite detailed after I scale back into the original dimension. So I tried to export several portions of the building and then piece them back together in Photoshop. But as I pan to the different rooms the perspective changes and doesn't match up.
Is there a way to "lock" the perspective?
Is there a way to adjust line quality?
Is there intuitive inexpensive rendering software?
If I upgrade to Pro, export to a vector program (illustrator 5), would I then be able to thin out the strokes?
Before I spend the $500 can anyone point me to a sample of what the SU file looks like when imported to Illustrator?Many thanks for any thoughts, I am under the gun with 3 more buildings to create for print media at 20 x 30 300dpi