@zach said:
Hi, I started Martin's "Edges to Rubies" tutorial prior to last summer. It seems like an excellent tutorial, but I stopped using it (and SketchUp) for the past 6 months due to other time commitments. I've waited so long to restart, that I think that I'll need to start over again to get my bearings. One initial directive that I was unable to resolve the first time that I started Martin's tutorial (and I'd like to get it right this time) is "How to Create a Working Directory". Martin suggests naming it C:\carrige_house -and that seems fine, but I'm not sure how I create this (file?). I have windows vista. I've tried Google, but that doesn't seem to bring up what I'm looking for. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Zach
You must have found out a long time ago by now.
For those still not sure, here are the steps
Go in Window (Ms icon) type “cmd” in search box (or open it from 'all programs' then select 'accessories', when the command prompt appears (the black board), type from where the cursor blinks “mkdir carriage_house” (without the quotation marks) then press enter. Close the Cmd blackboard. Go back to search (in Window Icon) and type the name of the directory, in this case type carriage_house, it will show its exixtence: simply a new folder. Right click and select “open folder location”, where your new folder will appear.