Hi Thomas,
How can I tell what plugin will load and what not outside the plugins-folder?
What do you mean by making assumptions about their location? Do I have to edit
non loading scripts or something?
Hi Thomas,
How can I tell what plugin will load and what not outside the plugins-folder?
What do you mean by making assumptions about their location? Do I have to edit
non loading scripts or something?
@watkins said:
Dear Thomas,
Could your recommendation be taken further? Could a plugin be created, with a drop down menu activated by an icon, to load plugins from different locations on one's C drive? The idea being that one has a baseline plugin folder in the normal Google Sketchup location, and then one loads plugins from different folders on the C drive as and when they are needed. Ideally, the user should be able to edit the drop down menu to label menu items, to assign directory path names and to add/remove items.
Just a thought.
I think this plugin can do that:
@box said:
I'm not sure, but perhaps this recent thread will help.
Thnx Box but the plugin you suggested is about shortcut's to user folders like my documents etc.
I was wondering if it is possible to change the default location of the sketchup's plugins folder.
I want to change the folder location because of a system backup issue.
In other words: I want to separate the folder from my C:\ drive.
I tried to change all the references to the plugins-location in the windows-registry
C;\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 8\Plugins
but this does not work.
It only results in Sketchup not displaying the 'Plugins' menu item...
Any suggestions?
Hi Tig,
I'll do some more study until I get what you suggested and come back
Thank you TIG
still learning... Now it works
Is it also possible to do this:
newDef = model.definitions.load("c;\\new.skp(componentX)")
To load 'componentX' from c:\new.skp assuming that new.skp contains several
components among which there is a component called componentX?
Or do I have to do something with the model.definitions belonging to new.skp?
Making a list and choose from there? I really don't have a clue..
Please help
I have this ruby script to replace a component with an other:
` require 'sketchup'
module Swapi
def Swapi.main
model = Sketchup.active_model
entities = model.active_entities
selection = model.selection
newDef = model.definitions.load("c:\new.skp")
oldDef = model.definitions['old']
oldDef.instances.each { |old_inst|
t = old_inst.transformation
ents = old_inst.parent.entities
ents.add_instance(newDef, t)
unless file_loaded?( __FILE__ )
UI.menu("Plugins").add_item("swap") {Swapi.main}
end # module
file_loaded( __FILE__ )`
But it doesn't work, can someone help me out?.
And an other question: Is it possible to insert a component from a file wich contains several
different components?
TIG: There are some tiny tiny hints of understanding in my right hemisphere right now, but that's about it..
But my first script is a working script now, thanx to you guys!
Again I want to ask you to point me to some really simple step by step examples besides the
standard google stuff.. please?
@Thom Thom: I understand all your recommendations and will use them in the future! Tnx
@ TIG: When I added this to the code: entities.transform_entities(trans, selection.to_a) the script worked.
I've read about to_a but its says something about "The to_a method retrieves a 16 element array which contains the values that define the Transformation." What's that ??
By the way TIG, thank you as well
In general I think http://code.google.com/intl/nl/apis/sketchup/docs/index.html is too abstract for me,
Where can I find some simple example scripts to start with even simpler than the example-scripts in the plugins dir?
This is my first script, its purpose is to scale everything in the model
10 times.
I looked around on the google api documentation, and downloaded some rubies
to see how the structure of a rb file looks like . Until now I've come up with this:
require 'sketchup'
def scale
entities = Sketchup.active_model.entities
selection = Sketchup.active_model.selection
trans = Geom;;Transformation.scaling 10
UI.messagebox trans
UI.menu("Plugins").add_item("scale with factor 10") {scale}
The first two lines in the code are for the selection of 'everything' in the model.
Then the definition of the scaling action (trans=) and at last the execution of
that action. (entities.transform)
So in my beginners-eye everything is there, but sketchup tells me
some weird hex-code in the messagebox.
What am I doing wrong??
This is great work Thanks so much, nice tool-icons too.
Maybe a bit OT, but
I'm pretty happy with most of the apps I use on an every day basis. (like firefox openoffice filezilla SU etc).
But I was on a long quest for a decent backup software.
It had to meet six criteria:
1 free, 2 simple to use, 3 as silent as possible, 4 reliable (important!), 5 hassle-free, 6 small footprint.
This is what i use and recommend for ages:
Backup and synchronize files and data, copy in either direction, email logs, run programs before and after, schedule automatic backups and much more.
Also: http://www.pixlr.com/editor/ , a web based image editor.
I like web based software. Its the future, I think.
Can I replace all the cpoints in this example:
with one component at once ? Like this:
Thank you
Ok great feedback, thank you very much guys!
Hi guys!
I'm using sketchup now for almost 2 years, and can do a great lot
of stuff with it. Sometimes when i need some info i look here at the forums.
I'm also planning to start learnig ruby one of these days!
But now I have a question for a script:
I need to create a weird kind of rain-pipe out of a branched line:
Should become this:
In this example I used components for the pipe bits and the plugin by TIG, free rotate. It was a lot of work. Is there any chance for a plugin witch automates this process?
By the way: I have some global ideas for this script:
Maybe with some help of you members I can write it myself. (I hope)
Dank je wel (That's dutch for thanx)
Hi Gaieus,
Thank you very much for the quick help! So I just select the lines en not the plane, and than read the data
from the entity info. Great !
Good luck!
I'm looking for a sketchup plug-in to calculate the contour length of a 2D plane, like for instance this:
must be easy, but I couldn't find a plugin myself.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Jim,
Very nice, this is indeed exactly what i want...