Gaieus, Thank you so much for your response. I’ve been bothered by this issue for long time and you just saved me.
RE: Scene setting question: switching between 4:3 and 16:9
Scene setting question: switching between 4:3 and 16:9
Scene setting question: switching between 4:3 screen and 16:9 screen.
I normally work on a laptop with 16:9 screen at home and 4:3 screen at office. Each time when I set up the scenes on the laptop then came to the office all the views were shown narrower on 4:3 monitors; later after working on office monitor the narrower views showed on the laptop even I didn’t update any scene setting. But if I did update the scene setting to be satisfied on the 4:3 they would then end up wider on 16:9.
I hope I explained my question understandable. Anyone please give me suggestions. I'd appreciate it a lot.
RE: Newly created styles
Thank you guys for your warm greeting and compliments. I would love to share those styles I just haven’t figured out how to make a download link… I will maybe just do the attachments.
Newly created styles
My first time to post a topic I would like to share some of my creation of SU styles. I made them with my free hand strokes. Any comments are welcome…