I have SU version 6.4.245. If I download version 7, does it modify version 6, or do I end up with both versions? This question nags me every time I download a later version of any application, not just SU.
Downloading Sketchup 7
No text manual for download?
Sketchup looks slick, but without a well-indexed manual, printed or online, I'm pretty much frustrated. The video tutorials go way too fast and of course cover up whatever you're working on.
I've screwed with the program a good bit over a span of about 40 hours and haven't completed a single simple building. Also, I'm not sure the program is entirely compatible with my MacBook, OS 10.4.10, since the select feature works poorly, and the cursors now and then leave trails of colored dots, which quickly fill up the work area.
Is there a way to do plans and elevations separately in 2D and have the program combine them to produce the 3D images? I have no time to be dragging stuff around the screen trying to hook it together or warping flat surfaces to create hip roofs using a program that sees movement as happening on three axes while I see only two. It's worse than playing chess while viewing the game at board level with one eye.