Hello.. I have download the patch for 4 gb and its telling me-> Couldn't open executable.. what is the problem?? I have a good pc, 16Gb of ram, graphic card GeForce GTX 660, procesor Intel Core i7-3770K, and i have still black screen when I start to render in SU with Vray. It's starting and after small lighting it's stop and it dosent finish the render. What is the problem and how to put more GB of ram in to vray rendering.. and Im using SU8 and Vray 1 49 02.
RE: No more crash on sketchup vray
RE: Some Components missing from Vray Render image
I have the question also about similar problem.. if anyone can help my ill be thankfull alot ... so when im rendering all the materials who are not in group are just deleted somehow.. so if someone knows about this kind of problem please tell me ...
here is after rendering the last time
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10734254_10204458854332520_1746582696066770282_n.jpg?oh=5d09c77ef45ee0f97720928c535b2f65%26amp;oe=54B32A51%26amp;gda=1421666820_8d243cf8196727c302c7989abfe2d005and this is render before this error come to my program
RE: Sketchup Vray rendering problem
I have also a problem with rendering in vray. The problem is that when I finish with the render almost every material in the picture went black. I see this kind of problem for the first time so I can not even find a solution to this problem on internet. And if I can sent somehow a picture of finish render it will be great.
Thanks alot people