Hi John,

Thank you very much for looking into this issue. If I'm understanding you correctly, the DC re-sizing works for you on your Mac (yet still gives the Ruby Console error)? That's really interesting if that's the case.

After many hours of re-drawing the same door frame over and over again, I decided to slowly replace parts from my test shelves to try to figure out at what point the DC stopped working correctly. As soon as I modified the Parent name from my working shelves, I noticed that the re-size stopped working, and then it hit me...I've been using the same name for every component and sub-component, even after re-drawing everything multiple times! As it turns out, the use of an ampersand (&) in the Parent name caused the re-size references to stop working correctly. It makes complete sense now that I think about it (I'm not a programmer, but I have had a little bit of exposure every now and then); I just wish I had known about this sooner...it could have saved me 6 hours or so πŸ˜‰ This is probably really obvious to anyone who is well versed in DCs, but I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere in the Sketchup documents. I'm guessing that there is a list of forbidden characters somewhere, but I've obviously missed it. I attached the completed door frame, so hopefully my experience can save someone else from the frustration that I just endured πŸ˜„


dynamic components_door frame resize_test 003.skp