oh, ok, great. thank you!
Deleting a text
i tried to delete that text-object:
taganzeige=ents.add_text "Tag"+status.woche.to_s, [0,0,0]
with the following line:
but it didn't work...
how do i have to delete an entity-object?
thanks for your time.
tim -
Opening the ruby console
Which command opens the ruby console?
Thanks for your time.
Bye Tim -
Array doesn't work...
You might laugh because of that post, but I'm not able to find the reason why it doesn't work...I just want to create an infobox and safe the input to some variables...
Here is the code and Sketchup's comment in the debugger:
prompts = ["Bildhöhe", "Bildbreite", "Bilder pro Sekunde", "Filmdauer in Sekunden", "Ausgabename"] default = [ "800", "800", "25", "60", "Ablauf" ] aufnahmebox = UI.inputbox prompts, default, "Ablaufsimulation mit statischer Ansicht" hoehe = aufnahmebox[0].to_i breite= aufnahmebox[1].to_i fps=aufnahmebox[2].to_i dauer = aufnahmebox[3].to_i name = aufnahmebox[4]
load "C:/Users/tim/Desktop/array.rb"
Error: #<SyntaxError: (eval):4:in `load': C:/Users/tim/Desktop/array.rb:1: syntax error, unexpected tCONSTANT, expecting ']'
...pts = ["Bildhöhe", "Bildbreite", "Bilder pro Sekunde", "Film...
C:/Users/tim/Desktop/array.rb:1: syntax error, unexpected tCONSTANT, expecting $end
...ldhöhe", "Bildbreite", "Bilder pro Sekunde", "Filmdauer in S...
(eval):4Thanks for your time.
Tim -
RE: Moving 3d text
The translation should be done with the elments of the array @bauabschnitte exept the first one.
So y_text is set to 0 at the beginning an gets raised every time the code passes the "each" part.Here is the error-message that appears in sketchup every time I load the code:
Error: #<TypeError: C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/klasse_ausgabe.rb:253:in
transform_entities': wrong argument type (expected Sketchup::Entity)> C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/klasse_ausgabe.rb:253 C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/klasse_ausgabe.rb:253:in
C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/klasse_ausgabe.rb:249:ineach' C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/klasse_ausgabe.rb:249:in
(eval):0:in `load'
(eval):0The first 3d-text is created at the origin. So I don't know what to do.
Moving 3d text
I'm trying to write a script that creates a list of 3d texts. One 3d text should be diplayed, then it should be moved (in negative y-direction), then the next 3d text should be created and so on.
With my code the Translation of the text doesn't work.
Here is the code:y_text=0 zaehler=0 #counter textarray=[] @bauabschnitte.each{|b| tr = Geom;;Transformation.new [0,y_text,0] anzeige = b.getname #the text the should be displayed by the 3d text textarray[zaehler]=ents.add_3d_text anzeige, TextAlignRight,"Arial",false,false,10,5,0,true,1 ents.transform_entities tr, textarray[zaehler] #here the 3d text should be moved... y_text = y_text-15 zaehler = zaehler+1 }
Thanks for your time.
Tim -
RE: Checking wether material exists before declaring it
Ok, great. thank you. I'll change it this weekend. Hope you have a nice one
Tim -
Checking wether material exists before declaring it
I want to declare a material in a method, but before it's declared it should checked wether the material already exists to avoid overloading the memory with tons of the same material. Here is the code i used but it doesn't work so far...
def status_anzeigen mod = Sketchup.active_model ents = mod.entities sel = mod.selection mats = mod.materials unless mats.include?("im_bau") bau_mat = mats.add "im_bau" bau_mat.color = [255,127,38] fertig_mat = mats.add "fertig" fertig_mat.color = [211,211,211] inplanung = mats.add"noch_nicht_angefangen" inplanung.color = [176,196,222] inplanung.alpha = 0.3 end #and so on
RE: Materials again
it works. thanks a lot, once more
tommorow t'll try to declare the material in the constructor of the class anyway, to avoid putting all the trash in the memory.
RE: Materials again
it was my mistake. the materials were declared in a tool as a local variable. every time the tool was invoken, the materials werde declared. so to the materials name was a number added, because the material already existed in the materials container. when you only once invoke the tool everything is fine. one more an it didn't work.
is it possible to declare a material as a constant or to declare it with an "@" in a class to avoid that?
Materials again
me again...
i don't know why, but the attribut "ablauf", "material" always receives a new value, even if the face's material is included in the array called invalid_material. i'll post the code, because i realy don't know how to fix it.
ents.each{|e| if e.typename == "Face" start = e.get_attribute "ablauf", "baubeginn" ende = e.get_attribute "ablauf", "bauende" if (e.material) invalid_materials = ['bau_mat', 'fertig_mat', 'inplanung'] unless invalid_materials.include?( e.material.name ) mat_vorher = e.material.name e.set_attribute("ablauf", "material", mat_vorher) end end if @woche.to_i >= start.to_i && @woche.to_i < ende.to_i e.material = bau_mat end if @woche.to_i >= ende.to_i e.material =fertig_mat end if @woche.to_i < start.to_i e.material = inplanung end end } #now the code that reloads the material def mat_back mod = Sketchup.active_model ents = mod.entities mats = mod.materials default_mat = mats.add "standardwert" default_mat.color = [50,250,50] ents.each{|e| if e.typename == "Face" if (e.get_attribute "ablauf", "material") mat_temp=e.get_attribute "ablauf", "material" e.material=mats[mat_temp] else e.material=default_mat end end } end
RE: Saving an reloading a material from an attribut
me again...
i don't know why, but the attribut "ablauf", "material" always receives a new value, even if the face's material is included in the array caled invalid_material. i'll post the code, because i realy don't know how to fix it.
ents.each{|e| if e.typename == "Face" start = e.get_attribute "ablauf", "baubeginn" ende = e.get_attribute "ablauf", "bauende" if (e.material) invalid_materials = ['bau_mat', 'fertig_mat', 'inplanung'] unless invalid_materials.include?( e.material.name ) mat_vorher = e.material.name e.set_attribute("ablauf", "material", mat_vorher) end end if @woche.to_i >= start.to_i && @woche.to_i < ende.to_i e.material = bau_mat end if @woche.to_i >= ende.to_i e.material =fertig_mat end if @woche.to_i < start.to_i e.material = inplanung end end } end #now the code that reloads the material def mat_back mod = Sketchup.active_model ents = mod.entities mats = mod.materials default_mat = mats.add "standardwert" default_mat.color = [50,250,50] ents.each{|e| if e.typename == "Face" if (e.get_attribute "ablauf", "material") mat_temp=e.get_attribute "ablauf", "material" e.material=mats[mat_temp] else e.material=default_mat end end } end
RE: Saving an reloading a material from an attribut
hallo again!
saving to an attribute and reloading worksbut now another problems appears. i only want the materials name to be stored in the attribute if it is not the name of one of the materials bau_mat, fertig_mat or inplanung.
i tried to realise it with the following code, but it seems to be stored every time, even the assigned material is one of the before mentioned:
if e.material.name != bau_mat.name && e.material.name != fertig_mat.name && e.material.name != inplanung.name mat_vorher = e.material.name e.set_attribute "ablauf", "material", mat_vorher end
RE: Saving an reloading a material from an attribut
oh, ok, when i wrote my last post yours wasn't uploaded. i'll test it tommorrow because it's meanwhile hard to hold the eyes open. thanks once more for the great help.
good night.
tim -
RE: Saving an reloading a material from an attribut
first of all i got to thank you fpr the time youre spending.
i wrote the last script to test wheter it is possible to assign a material to an entitiy in that way. i wanted to execute it with only one face selected that has a material (the one looking like wood). the name of the material should be saved in the variable mat.
that should be realised with
}after that i wanted to assigne every entity in the model with the same material with that part of the code
e.material = mats[mat]
}i still don't know how to acces a material, to save an reload it. using the diplay_name and saving it as an attribut didn't work so far.
RE: Saving an reloading a material from an attribut
i used some of the materials looking like wood. do they belong to the default materials that return nil?
another opportunity could be to save the whole model in the script, then to do something in the script an after that to load the old version that was saved before.
RE: Saving an reloading a material from an attribut
ok, i assigned a material to a face with the tool in sketchup that is invoken by the icon with the color bucket. after that i loaded a script with the following code (only the face with the material was selected)
<span class="syntaxdefault">mod </span><span class="syntaxkeyword">= </span><span class="syntaxdefault">Sketchup</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">.</span><span class="syntaxdefault">active_model<br />ents </span><span class="syntaxkeyword">= </span><span class="syntaxdefault">mod</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">.</span><span class="syntaxdefault">entities <br />sel </span><span class="syntaxkeyword">= </span><span class="syntaxdefault">mod</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">.</span><span class="syntaxdefault">selection<br />mats </span><span class="syntaxkeyword">= </span><span class="syntaxdefault">mod</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">.</span><span class="syntaxdefault">materials<br />mat</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">=</span><span class="syntaxstring">""<br /><br /></span><span class="syntaxdefault">sel</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">.</span><span class="syntaxdefault">each</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">{|</span><span class="syntaxdefault">e</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">|<br /> </span><span class="syntaxdefault">mat</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">=</span><span class="syntaxdefault">e</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">.</span><span class="syntaxdefault">material</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">.</span><span class="syntaxdefault">display_name<br /> </span><span class="syntaxkeyword">}<br /><br /><br /></span><span class="syntaxdefault">ents</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">.</span><span class="syntaxdefault">each</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">{|</span><span class="syntaxdefault">e</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">|<br /> </span><span class="syntaxdefault">e</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">.</span><span class="syntaxdefault">material </span><span class="syntaxkeyword">= </span><span class="syntaxdefault">mats</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">[</span><span class="syntaxdefault">mat</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">]<br /> } </span><span class="syntaxdefault"></span>
the debugger says: #<NoMethodError: undefined method `display_name' for nil:NilClass>
somehow the material doesn't seem to stored in the materials array...
that can't be true, or?