Here is a link to a program that can adjust the focus on photo JPG files. It could be useful for preparing cutouts for photo entourage. Go to I use his PictureCooler program for noise reduction and it is quite good.
Latest posts made by ken ingram
New program to adjust focus on JPG's
RE: Sketchup prehistory
Hello to all and a Happy New Year! I don't post much but follow the forums regularly. I started using SketchUp in March 2001 at version 1.37 I was working on a weekend for a presentation on a project which I needed to present sketches the following Tuesday. I was using a couple of programs at the time to generate 3D models, but they were a bit cumbersome in that you had to input every coordinate point - not much use when you are still conceptualizing. I wanted to present perspectives from two or three positions, so I thought I would scan the internet to see if there was anything that could help me. I think my search may have been "perspective sketch software". Anyway, I came upon the SketchUp website, saw that there was an 8 hour trial - not demo but full program - and thought I would give it a try. I downloaded the program and thought maybe I would get a chance in 8 hours to learn to navigate the interface and get a "feel" for the program's capabilities. Well, in the trial period I not only learned the interface - oh so beautifully simple and intuitive - I also built a simple but useful model of my project from which I could print out orthogonal and perspective views for tracing over for my presentation sketches. I was so excited I purchased the software as soon as my trial period ended that weekend. Then on Monday, the deadline gremlins struck. For some reason I couldn't open the model I had worked on that weekend to make my prints. I called SketchUp for tech support and was put over to Jim Holman and explained my predicament. Jim asked me to e-mail to him the file I couldn't open and he would look at it. I sent it right away. He called me back that afternoon and said that they were able to salvage the file( something had gone awry in the header or something like that ) and he was e-mailing the file back to me. I got it and was able to make my prints and my deadline. Believe me I was sold right then on @Last and SketchUp. Oh, as a postscript, the software I had been using for 3D was FastCad 3D and Virtus Walkthrough Pro. Anybody on the forum ever used either of those?