will it run SketchUp?
my samsung n150 with intel gma grphic card, runs sketchup. maybe slow, but its runs.
for ion, yes surely, and fine, now is the 1215n that will perform better.
i bought an AMD e350 fusion with ati radeon hd 6130, and works great, its a sony Y series vpcyb15 ultraportable. its the amd alternative to ion2 and dual core atom, with similar specs.
search for redway opengl turbine benchmark on google, there is a test with AMD e350 fusion. test it with your actual system to have an idea how it will work.
i had wrote a review of my laptop on this reply http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/sketchup/thread?tid=23584ae0fb095178&hl=en
im replying this post becouse this two treads where my only findings about sketchup and nvidia ion.
then i found amd fusion alternative, but with no info from sketchup at all (since sketchup comunity tends to be appart from ati card). and i think they are at the same level for comparison.
im not a fan of ati, and before this bought i would not recommend ati for sketchup. i think since amd bought ati, things changed for good. donĀ“t know for high end desktop cards. maybe i will still sitck with nvidia. But i think with time ati will start to find good reviews on sketchup and 3dviz comunities.