Thanks for taking the time, Numerobis.
I cannot give a definite timeframe on either the full SketchUp or 3dsmax plugins; I can tell you that SketchUp has been planned to come after Rhino, which I think I've mentioned is the plugin I am currently working on, but that I may slip a simple Blender exporter (like the current SketchUp plugin) in-between due to requests. 3dsmax has been tentatively planned for after Cinema 4D, both because there have been fewer requests for it, and because I have experience with Cinema, so should be able to do it quicker.
We have planned for GPU from the start, but of course CPU is a must, and is a cleaner environment for creating complicated new things like the Apollo solver, so it was natural that we would start there. It will indeed be a challenge to have things be 1:1 on GPU, just for example, since all Bella textures are procedural (of course file textures are not "procedural" as such, but they are just a special case of our general texture node), and since it will be possible for third-parties to author their own texture (and other) nodes. One benefit, though, is that much of the work required for GPU will also be able to be used to improve the CPU side, and I understand from Oscar that we are pretty close to seeing some of that.
Also from the start we chose to use industry-standard libraries where possible, so we have used OpenImageIO for textures, and OpenColorIO for color management. By default we provide built-in linear, sRGB, and Rec709 spaces, but you can use the standard OCIO environment variable to make Bella work with your desired OCIO config (e.g. ACES) -- its transforms will show up in your display & output choices, and in the file texture node. We also have available either Reinhard or Filmic tonemapping in the camera sensor node, at this point.
I will work on the roadmap aspect, I have been intending that for some time, but seem to end up working on code instead. Daily builds will not be likely at least for the time being, partially because I still personally download & install every package (after it's gone through Apple's notarization in the case of macos) to ensure they work and are not corrupted, and because being a small team, we each often end up getting pretty deep into some piece of code, so there are not enough changes to justify a daily build. Weekly will likely be a more useful target for us, with bug-fix builds being done quickly on an as-reported & as-needed basis. In any case, we are always available on our forum, and try to respond quickly.
On the node bundle idea, we have deliberately tried to keep Bella's product offerings and licensing very simple, but node bundles definitely make sense, so we'll be sure to discuss it.
Thanks again for your feedback, and I hope I have not missed anything.