I have same problem occasionally with SU 2013. I just tried renaming file and now it saves fast again. In same file copying multiple elements while moving and clicking CTRL caused SketchUp to lag a lot. After I renamed file everything works fine. I will test it again if same problem appears.
📷 GIF Exporter 1.1 | create animated GIFs from SketchUp models with customizable settings
RE: Slow saving (SketchUp Pro 2013)
RE: What's your beginners tip?
Go to Window>Preferences>Shortcuts and assign:
Ctrl+G to Edit/Make Group
Ctrl+Shift+G to Edit/Item/ExplodeThis way you can group and ungroup fast, change component to group...
RE: Joint conected wheels falls off
it was so natural "G" for group.
Thanks a lot -
Joint conected wheels falls off
SketchUp 7.1 Sketchy Physics 3
- Created rectangle (body), pushed-pulled, grouped, SP shape - box
- Created circle, pushed-puled, grouped, SP shape - convexhull
- Copied wheels
- Created 4 hinges, grouped each hinge with one wheel
- Joint connected each hinge with body (click on joint connector toll, click on hinge, ctrl+click on body)
on play wheels fall off the body. What am I doing wrong?
Here is my file.Thanks for any help