That's fantastic Eric, character modelling in sketchup was an obsession of mine, well done

RE: 3D Print Monsters
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
5months off da smokes now, just taught I'd drop by to let ye all know how I'm doing, cutting down on nicotine dosage too, if I can do it anyone can do it, keep it up folks
RE: Sky Tower (Oblivion Movie) - WIP
This is highly impressive, I'd like to try that out in a game engine and explore it, looking forward to more updates
RE: Sky Tower (Oblivion Movie) - WIP
Really nice, can't wait to see the finished model with texture
RE: Sky Tower (Oblivion Movie) - WIP
That's impressive, crap movie but I like the model, well done
RE: Sketchup to Maya custom tool shelf
Yeah Iv spent a wk with Maya already and I'm finding it very easy to learn so far, I find the navigation the most challenging to be honest, it's more kicking the SU navigation habit and get used to Maya's way, but I have found maya is the easiest modelling app to learn after being a SU user for so long
RE: Sketchup to Maya custom tool shelf
Ah nice 1 Rich, im often up that way, ill be sure to call in, again cheers for the link
Sketchup to Maya custom tool shelf
Its been a while since iv posted anything here but iv taken a step up to finally learning another 3D software as suggested by many here on the forums, i choose Maya because it more or less does everything i need, so the problems i have run into so far is the icons in Maya and sketchup are so different it is difficult to find the right tool for the job in Maya as im so used to sketchup icons, im sure we all have run into this same issue when trying to learn another 3D application, but i have come across this ''Maya custom tool shelf'' feature in Maya.
So what is it?
Its a feature that allows you to create your own tool bar in Maya to the tools you use the most and you can place them in any order you want, you can delete tools or add tools much the same as customising what tool bars you want on display in sketchup, but what it also does is what i think is a neat and beneficial feature is you can also replace the icons in Maya with your own custom icon, yes im aware we can do this in sketchup but has anyone who uses Maya and sketchup customised Maya with sketchup icons to make it more suitable and reconisable for sketchup users?? -
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
I feel great, being doing 10km runs every 2 days and not even feeling like I need to gasp for air, I'm loving it, e-cigs are the only way to go in my opinion
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
1month and 3 days off the smokes Rich, and still going strong, it's obvious ur thinking about quitting, you won't regret it, I got mine in limerick, if you want details pm me
RE: The Art of SketchUp - part 1: Fantasy
Ken as usual I'm in awe looking at your work, looking forward to seen some more
RE: Qubicle a voxel constructor!
Finally got the master version download, looking forward to playing around with it over the next few days, i really think I will enjoy playing around with it, ill try and post something worth showing hopefully soon
RE: Qubicle a voxel constructor!
Ah yes, this looks like a troll from the new kickstarter project that's proving very successful and inspired me to learn this type of software
RE: Qubicle a voxel constructor!
Im having some great fun with this, and its so easy to use, just purchased the full version, had to be done
RE: First Look at a CryEngine 3 level buildings designed with SU
Looks great, I'm surprised there isn't much of this being done, game engines in my opinion are the best way to visualise models in scenes and having the ability to navigate around them, what's the project for may I ask?
RE: Oculus Rift VR
I know we need to use a game engine to interact with our models in a realistic way like in the above clip, and unity being the ideal engine as it prefers tris over quads, in fact unity does the same as sketchup does when importing a quad model, it converts every quad into tris, but wouldn't it be great if like on the above clip we could interact with our models in SU, even model in that environment, sculpt using our hands, pull or push surfaces, verts into position, the oculus rift developers kit has only being shipped out in the last 2 wks and already there are hundreds of videos from developers poping up on the web and all are unique ideas and what makes it even better is the fact that most of what's being developed have being made open source.
RE: Oculus Rift VR
Ok this is a video well worth checking out, you need to watch it in full tho, imagine you are taking a virtual tour of a modelled house and you want to interact with it, like windows, doors and furniture, check it out