My company makes use of Hevacomp for mechanical and electrical design. Having invested in the software for many years the biggest drawingback seems to be that its creation of 3D structures the thermal analysis takes absolutely ages and requires the production of 2D DXF files.
Can SketchUp generate a suitable, compatible 3D DXF that will be accepted by Hevacomp? I realise that IES will do the same but from my companies point of view that would be another large financial outlay......Any ideas?
📷 GIF Exporter 1.1 | create animated GIFs from SketchUp models with customizable settings
SketchUp for Hevacomp
RE: SU 9 Wishlist
Thanks for the reply. I will give it a try and see what happens. With these exports, are you suggesting i can insert a 3D model to PS? or do i have to export 2D images? Sorry but if I can get this process improved it will obviously benefit a number of my walkthroughs.
RE: SU 9 Wishlist
I do a lot of modelling for a large global retailer which tends to cover interior images and walkthroughs of superstores. What i would love to see SketchUp offer is the ability to export a flat mesh of my models (such as retail cabinets) to PhotoShop or something that i can paint a realistic texture to rather than rely upon third party render packages. These are fine for stills but no so for interactive walkthroughs where my clients PC's might not be as powerful.