Scylla 07 looks great, it's like an architect's spaceship.
RE: Question: you can change the comma?
My computer has the hilarious habit of changing which input it uses. It started with the , and ; setup, so I learned SU that way. Then, for whatever reason, it switched to the . and , setup. I found no solution then and had to get used to it. Now, after several months, it's switched back. I am so annoyed right now.
RE: East 8th Hotel
That is god damn amazing. The lightwork is great, compliments to the chef!
RE: Nomeradona's Interior (update Mar'12)
The images on page one are gorgeous. Spectacular colour choices and great renders!
RE: Twisting 40 storeys Tower for Rio de Janeiro´s Mauá Pier
The more I see of this the more I like it. I think Chris Fullmer's comment(joke or not) says it all. "When will it be constructed?"
RE: GRow
I actually started with drawing the floorplans. I had a basic idea of how it was going to look though. After the plans were done I modelled the building and added windows and stuff.
RE: First post...
That is a great and informative floor plan! My only crit would be that it might need more restrooms, but that is really just nitpicking. Looks very professional, good work.
RE: DWanimations | Concept Architecture, Minimal design
Can't say I like these kind of houses. They basically require you to either have a gigantic piece of farmland to build it on, or accept that everyone can see everything you do once it's dark. The bathroom ideas these days are the worst. A small, uncomfortable-looking bathtub in the middle of a huge room with floor to ceiling windows and a total lack of privacy. Sorry to say, but in my eyes this is just cutting edge for the sake of being cutting edge, and only a handful of people could live comfortably in a building like that.
Rant aside, the presentation is very nice.
RE: My House (Soon)
The washing machine is on a shelf? I've never seen that before. Come to think about it, it's pretty smart. Good for the back. Is it your idea or is it just uncommon where I live? Would love to see the floorplan as well.
...or Google Row. If Google decided to build rowhomes they might look like this. I decided to color-code the window frames based on function, and I noticed I had subconsciously chosen very Google-y colours, so that's the idea behind the name. Green means bedroom, blue hygene, yellow social areas, red kitchen, and white passageways and hallways.
RE: Bahamas villa
Looks great. Try scaling them down to 50% or something, it will make them look amazing(and more managable for the forum too).
RE: G&F Lunchroom - Greens and Fruits - School Project
I would have cantilevered the second story out over the reception desk, or what you want to call it. Basically, it feels like there should be more seating, if this is for a school it could get pretty crowded. I don't know your needs though, so it might be plenty, but 36 seats doesn't feel like a lot. Good work on the design though.
School project - Eco Office
In my final year of school before uni, I researched and planned a "green" office building. There's a 25-page report explaining the features of the building and everything, but it's in Swedish and god knows how realistic it is... so here's just the model!
The roof is covered in grass and plants, and the building generates power with two vertical wind turbines from Helix Wind. I'm also planning on building a scale model, so stay tuned for that in the coming weeks.
RE: [WIP] Discworld - Ankh Morpork - Assassin's Guild
Just wanted to say you've created a great model! Modelling Ankh-Morpork architecture from scratch is tricky since everyone's got their own idea of how things look, but with source material that's not a problem. Who was it that was modelling the entire city from the map?
RE: :sketchy condo project:
Very nice, you've really been creative with those balconies. My only crit would be the unit closest to the stairwell, some of their view is blocked by it. Otherwise, wow! The style is perfect.
RE: Santorini scene-psuedo clay style
I really like all the pictures, except for the blurry first one. Knowing so many different styles is gonna be a big plus when you get work. Way to impress the client with a load of different takes on their building!
RE: Now in Google Earth: 13-Year Old Students and Sketchup Cars
If my math teachers were ever that imaginative... I love the video, and the car design is also lovely. It's a bit choppy but that's a minor issue. Well done!