Worked great. Thanks
RE: Arched raised panel doors
The drawing of the cope and stick profiles are easy, like you said. The arch is where the problem is. Thanks for the drawing of the door. I'm looking to see if I can modify it to fit any door opening. Can you give me any info on the best way to draw the arch with the profile?
Arched raised panel doors
Does anyone know of a model of an arched raised panel door? I looked on 3D Wearhouse and did a number of searches trying to find one. I spent the afternoon trying to draw one. I'm having trouble with the arch, incorperating the router profile in the arch. If no one know of any models, I could use some direction drawing one.
RE: Drawing Dados and Rabbits
I'll try better with my questions. Specific usage: in wooden cabinet parts of a drawing. A dado for example, I draw the 2 lines on the face of the board 3/4" apart, then draw the lines representing the cut outs on either side of the board, then delete or erase the middle section and add the 2 lines in the bottom of the dado. This seems to work sometimes, but other times the face or skin doesn't fill in and it's time consuming. I thought there might be someone working on a plug-in for this. I'd trird the push/pull method, seems to be working. Any other ideals would be appreciated.
Drawing Dados and Rabbits
Looking for a faster way to draw dados and rabbits.