I have found out that when I am using sketchup without Locklizard Safeguard Secure Viewer open it work OK but when this software is running and dragged over to the other screen (dual screen Vista setup) I get this problem.
Running thru some exercises using this reader to work throu Sk7basics book is or appears to be the issue. Dont know why but at least when the reader is closed and not running the cut and paste and paste in place operate normally.
I tried a reinstall and found that it worked but then as soon as I opened Locklizard my paste etc was greyed out and when closed it works ok.
RE: Paste in Place Grayed out Bug
RE: Paste in Place Grayed out Bug
No I am not able to do a regular paste and had thought of reinstalling.
I was hoping to sort this out without that necessity by seening if there is a solutionIn other apps paste,edit and paste in place are ok.
In Sk7 a simple cut and paste dont work well the cut works but not the paste part let alone a paste in place
thanks for your post
the other idea i was looking at was to insert a short cut into preferences and was looking at a suitable short cut to use? see if that works.
Paste in Place Grayed out Bug
I have been doing some tutorials or exerices using Bonnie Roskes Books and have run up against a problem which may be a "bug" or it maybe something that I have done with Sketchup Pro 7.
I have a model which comprises a simple group object of bolt and nut and my steps that I have taken are:
- Select / double-click the group (to edit it)
- Select the nut at one end, and use Ctrl+X to cut it
- Click outside the group to close it
- Use Edit / Paste in Place – and it’s grayed out?
I am not doing anything other than the above steps and would like to know if there is a settings file that I can check for my shortcut settings that maybe over ridden by other ruby scripts.
I have some but not many eg
- Left click hide
- make faces.
3 Irender Nxt Beta - Ocean Ext
I may have one or two others but is there a file such as an "ini" file that lists stuff that is loaded by user that may give a clue as to why my "paste in place" is grayed out.