Hi there,
I’ve been reading this post with great interest, and I would like to participate and say a few things too…
I work as an Art Director, and SketchUp has a very useful place in my workflow. I think I understand what you mean when you say that some people in the industry consider this tool as nothing more than 3d Lego. It does look like it I suppose, in its basic “out of the can” aspects…
I think it is fair to say that the process of “Production Design” for film or TV is a particular one, a profession with its own rules, techniques and specificities, but the same could be said about Architecture, Product Design, Interior Design and many other disciplines in the fields of applied arts. But all these professions also have loads of points in common. After all, the process of creativity, from concept to realization in any discipline is often about the same qualities of vision, organization, communication, team work, planning etc…
So, in reference to the Lego remark, the thing is with Production Design, it can be quite a conservative environment, and there are some good reasons for it.
I think a tool like SU (amongst a few other packages) is at the very centre of this state of things, the typical clash between the new digital knowledge and the traditional manual craft. There is a lot of that in our industry, especially in the art of drafting scenery, basically drawing the plans for construction.
This is one spot where Production Design is really quite different from Architecture. I won’t go into details, but those not too familiar with it, when creating a period film set for instance, there is a lot of information that goes through the pencil of a draughtswoman/man, beyond the structural aspect of the build, there are also quantities of details about surfaces, textures, effects and treatments of materials which are essential for the control of the final look of the set. This is an old tested reliable technique, which holds a solid position in the process of creating film sets. Hence, the conservative side of our industry I suppose. And maybe the reason why tools like SU can be looked at with a lot of scepticism… and maybe worries too.
The thing is, I don’t think there is a 2D/3D program that can really be fully adapted to our needs. Yet…
But SketchUp was pretty close I think. What I personally like about SketchUp, is that it put the tool of 3D in my hands and short cut the massive learning curve I’d have to go through with most of the other packages on the market (which is pretty much what the whole concept of SU is based on).
Another thing I enjoy when working with SU, is how it allows me to modify the creative workflow. One of the most traditional types of workflow would be to go from rough sketches and/or advanced concept visuals, to drafting the sets and then building white card models before green light is given for construction. Using SketchUp, based on those preliminary rough sketches, I will start sculpting the space directly in 3D. Pretty soon I have in my hands a very good representation of the set, we discuss it, we walk through it and consider the shots with the director and the team, storyboarding from precise spatial references straight out from the 3D model. Adjustments are easy, provided you built your model with that in mind. More details are gradually added to the model, and some particular shots are used for more advanced concept visuals and renders. At any time, I can produce elevations and initial plans, used for construction estimates. Eventually my model can be really quite precise, down to mouldings, windows, doors, and any other architectural details. From there, I can massively jump start the process of drafting. Unfortunately, at this point SU starts to reach the limits of what it can do for me, so I use VectorWorks for the plans, Vray and/or (more and more) Modo for more advanced organic modelling and rendering.
I do think that the 3D model when used judiciously is a fantastic tool to communicate and discuss the project in the pre-production phase of a film.
Like I said, I don’t think there is a product that can give me all I need in one package. This is a bit frustrating sometimes, as I feel that it wouldn’t take much to make it happen. I need the power and wickedness of Modo, but with the hard surface modelling simplicity of SU, and then be able to produce sweet renders like Modo can, and also simple technical elevations and views with measurements like VectoWorks (or SU and Layout if only it had more muscle). That would be a revolution. So until someone puts all that together, I’ll keep switching between programs like everybody else I guess!
I’ll try to attach some examples of work to illustrate my (far too long) post.
Anyway, I could go on and on, but I’ll be amazed if anyone has actually managed to read all that text…
Take care,