In one of my scripts that creates complex parts I had some issues. It appeared that "intersect_with" was behaving inconsisently.
This example uses much simpler parts and therefore you may wonder why I would use a polygon mesh. I wouldn't ordinarily create a door this way. Nevertheless, the purpose is to illustrate what can be done with much more complex parts.
Let's start with a sheet of material which will be machined by CNC. The DXF file is created using a separate process. This is to preserve true arcs as opposed to multi faceted segments. This process is merely for visulization within Sketchup.
Panel Setup:
I will initially create a group (panel) and populate with a portion of the panel using fill_from_mesh. The portion is composed of all the faces that are NOT going to be machined. Then I create the front face and will again use fill_from_mesh. It turns out that fill_from_mesh only works with an empty group. So the solution is to create a second and empty group within the panel group (panel_surface) and to populate it.
Tool Setup:
Now create a number of cutters. Let's go with a 35 mm drill bit and a couple of 8 mm drill bits for construction holes (dowels). Each tool is a component and in 2 groups of 3. Then put the tools into an array (tools).
edges = panel_surface.intersect_with( false,
tools )
The problem was some of the intersections were not visible - some of the time. After analysing the edges it turns out that all the geometry was there. So I ended up having to find all faces. Then it worked.
edges.each { |edge| edge.find_faces }