daredevil yeh I saw your bridge, very impressive work. My models are a lot more humble but I aspire to create complex dynamic components. That is the reason why I would like to find out how to do these things nicely and elegantly. I presume the IF problem we both had is a problem with the way sketchup parses the IF function. I have a little experience with C++ from 20 years ago and would have expected it to work. Anyway I am wondering if I should learn Ruby and if these sort of things can be done in that. I am frustrated with the way you enter formulas in the dynamic component attributes dialogue, it works fine for simple components but it is difficult to read complex nested functions in such a small text box. Sometimes I have resorted to copy/paste into notepad, and use indentation to help match parenthesis and make it clearer and then copy/paste back. It would also be nice to be able to add comments. From seeing the bridge you've made you're obviously well ahead of me. I would like to produce fully configurable pieces of furniture and joinery for my business. Do you think I should persevere with Dynamic Components or will I discover that their limitations mean I should learn the Sketchup Ruby API? Again very impressive work you do, it would give me a real kick to produce something half as good as that