I'm glad my tool is useful for you. Your method does look a bit complex for day to day use. After reading your post I realized that UAM lacks the feature to add comments to plug-ins. Although creating a file like the one you showed is enough, it is more intuitive to add a comment area to the program.
This doesn't seem to be complicated, so I'll probably code it soon and publish an update early next year.
Thank you for your feedback, if you find any usability problem, please drop me a mail.
No, this tool doesn't use Sketchup or any other program. Its purpose is to be able to manage plug-ins from several applications, so I really couldn't make it dependent from Sketchup.
The idea is actually very simple, the program is given the path where the plug-ins should be and a folder where to store them when they are not in use. Then, according to your instructions, it will move the plug-ins to the "Library" (the folder where you store them when inactive), and back to the right place (In the case of SU, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google SketchUp 8\Plugins").
This is how the enable, disable process works.
Delete an Add-in erases its files, Remove leaves the files where they are, but ignored by the program.
New, creates a new "Add-in", this is, the program will scan the folder you give it, move its files to the right place and register all the files in its database.
For the sake of organization, Add-ins are separated in Groups, which is especially useful if you manage plug-ins from more than one program.
I hope I've been clear, in my blog you can find a more detailed explanation, in the software page. Any other question or issue, feel free to ask and suggest.