Greetings, I am a newbie and I am trying to use SU to design a 3D presentation for a small-town planning board. I am not a professional planner, however I am trying to show the board an alternative to an auto-centric perspective on our community's downtown district. The idea is to use SU and GE to zoom in from a mapview into the streetview from the perspective of a pedestrian arriving via transit rather than by automobile. Furthermore, I would like to show how a transit-oriented approach could spur more infill development by adding buildings as they may arise in the future. I am not sure if this can be accomplished without SU Pro and GE Pro, neither of which can I afford on a freelancers budget. However, if I can make a convincing enough presentation I may be able to entice the town into funding a more comprehensive 3D modeling effort as part of their Downtown Master Plan. Any suggestions?