It's easy to do manually.
Make a 3d component arrow with a cpoint at its center.
Group the arrowhead and make the edges where it touches the 'shaft' into 'hidden'.
Add a face to the shaft end.
Make it with say 180 degree sweep.
Make it's faces the default material.
Place instances of it where needed.
Rotate them as desired around the cpoint
Scale them about the center as desired.
Color them as desired etc etc.
If you want a different swept angle for one/some, then use Make_Unique on the instance so the others are not affected, then edit the component, select the arrowhead group and use the Rotate tool centered on the cpoint to rotate the arrowhead to its new location, manually or by a typed in angle. Now add an circle/arc centered on the cpoint to extend/retract the 'shaft', select the shaft's end face and use a tool like EEbyLathe to extend the swept part...[Followme won't form good 'end-faces']...Capture.PNG HOWEVER, the chances are you only really need a few different swept-angles so making a set of arrow-components individually will probably be even quicker...