That is what I was afraid of, thanks for the speedy reply Remus.
RE: Cut Opening in dual surface wall
Cut Opening in dual surface wall
I have been working with SU 7.0 Pro for a few months now, and I have yet to figure out if its possible to have a window or door that actually cuts an opening in both sides of a wall. I know its easy to have it cut one surface, but that is usually not enough since walls are usually 2 surfaces. Does anyone know how to build a window or door component that does this?
Also can anyone clearly explain to me the Glue To options, other than Any I can never get them to do what I want. Thanks in advance. -
RE: Sandbox tool lost
Hey Chris,
Thanks again, I don't know what caused the problem but what I did was repair the SU Installation and then everything started working normally. I now have my Sandbox Tools back....
That was a weird one.. -
RE: Sandbox tool lost
Hi Chris,
Thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately I do not see a Sandbox tool in my Tools list. I have downloaded a lot of tools, perhaps one of them removed or replace the sandbox tools? -
Sandbox tool lost
Hi I am not that new to SU, but I have just started trying to use the sandbox tools. Unfortunately I can't find the sandbox tool. I went into Windows, preferences, Extensions and Sandbox Tools are checked. But, I cant find them anywhere... Help!!! I am sure its something quite stupid that I did or did not do, but I am stumed.